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Global 5G users to exceed 2 billion by 2024

2020/4/17 9:21:26


The latest data from GSA (provided to GSA by Omdia) shows that at the end of 2019, there were 5.27 billion LTE subscribers worldwide, and for all of 2019, more than 1 billion new LTE subscribers were added worldwide, or 24.4% annual growth. Currently, LTE subscribers account for 57.7% of global mobile subscribers.

Subregionally, 67.1% of LTE subscribers are in Asia Pacific, 11.7% in Europe, 9.2% in North America, 6.9% in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2.7% in the Middle East and the remaining 2.4% in Africa.
5G LTE subscribers
LTE subscribers will peak in 2022, with their share of global mobile subscribers reaching 64.8%. Starting in 2023, LTE subscribers will begin to decline as they migrate towards 5G.

In terms of 5G subscribers, by the end of 2019, there were at least 17.73 million global 5G subscribers (including a more than fourfold increase in the fourth quarter), representing 0.19% of global mobile users.

By the end of 2024, Omdia predicts that there will be 10.5 billion mobile users worldwide. At that point, LTE users will account for 59.4%, 5G users will account for 19.3%, W-CDMA users will account for 13.4%, GSM users will account for 7.5% and other users will account for the remaining 0.4%.

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